We are created to live a

Fully Self-Expressed Life.

We are also created Perfect, Whole & Complete...

AND Conditioned for FAILURE

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We are born as the perfect explorers

Then we are exposed to the Conditioning of the world.

This Conditioning comes from family, friends, school and religion. It may even be generational.

I invite you to consider that you might be living a life, your current reality, that was actually created by the conditioning from someone else.

Could your current reality have been shaped by unresolved hurt, neglect or trauma?

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Hello! My name is Robert Kittridge and I am a Behavioral Alchemist

Most of my childhood was spent in an emotionally and  physically abusive household.

The Conditioning that I was exposed to had me create beliefs of not being wanted, not being good enough and not being able to make a difference.

As I was always trying to prove myself, I went on to serve over 30 years in the fire & emergency services. This gave me the opportunity to serve my community.

As I entered my 60th year on this earth I found myself ending yet another relationship. I had found myself repeating many of the same patterns, with about the same results every time. I was starting over once again.

Finally I was introduced to transformative tools that ultimately changed my life: Human Design, The Gene Keys, Earth Medicine and true Spirituality.

Through these modalities I was able to discover my conditioning and thus create new Possibility, Potential, Purpose.

Karl Jung was quoted, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate."

That was my life. I was being governed by so much conditioning in my unconscious. 

Today when I am asked, "How's your life?" I say full, heavenly and delicious.

The circumstances of my life may not have changed much. What has changed is me and my perception, all through the better understanding and integration of my Human Design.

Today I have found my purpose and passion. I now serve those traveling on the path seeking clarity on how to live a fully expressed life, with ease and grace.

If you would like to learn more on how I guide and coach, I invite you to schedule an exploration session.

What I Do

I work best in partnership with others. This entails utilizing diplomacy, conviction, and focus.

I travel beside them as they move from a state of unease, on the path of intuition, mine and theirs to achieve a state of clarity.

I create a safe space in which to walk with your fears, shadows and conditioning.


Hello! My name is Robert Kittridge and I am a Behavioral Alchemist

Most of my childhood was spent in an emotionally and  physically abusive household.

The Conditioning that I was exposed to had me create beliefs of not being wanted, not being good enough and not being able to make a difference.

As I was always trying to prove myself, I went on to serve over 30 years in the fire & emergency services. This gave me the opportunity to serve my community.

As I entered my 60th year on this earth I found myself ending yet another relationship. I had found myself repeating many of the same patterns, with about the same results every time. I was starting over once again.

Finally I was introduced to transformative tools that ultimately changed my life: Human Design, The Gene Keys, Earth Medicine and true Spirituality.

Through these modalities I was able to discover my conditioning and thus create new Possibility, Potential, Purpose.

Karl Jung was quoted, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate."

That was my life. I was being governed by so much conditioning in my unconscious. 

Today when I am asked, "How's your life?" I say full, heavenly and delicious.

The circumstances of my life may not have changed much. What has changed is me and my perception, all through the better understanding and integration of my Human Design.

Today I have found my purpose and passion. I now serve those traveling on the path seeking the clarity on how to live a fully expressed life, with ease and grace.

If you would like to learn more on how I guide and coach, I invite you to schedule an exploration session.

Schedule a Complimentary Exploration Session

The Impact of my Work...

Robert Kittridge first brought Adhara into our organization in October 2022. Bringing an Adhara experience into our organization has truly been a game-changer for our team.

Robert's approach to creating a more mindful, collaborative, and positive workspace, through Adhara, has had a profound impact on our work culture and productivity.

First and foremost, the incorporation of Adhara principles has fostered a sense of mindfulness among our entire work force.

Through Adhara sessions led by Robert, and mindfulness practices integrated into our daily routine, we have seen a noticeable reduction in stress levels and an increase in overall well-being.

Our team members are more focused, caring, less prone to burnout, and better equipped to handle the challenges of a high stress work environment.

Jaime FitzSimons - Summit County Sheriff

Organizations I Have Impacted

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