$3,333.00 USD

Once this offer is purchased, there is no refund. Sessions will be scheduled utilizing the Focus Point scheduling system.

I agree to these Intentions:

  • Contemplation – Model and inspire the principles of Pausing, Pivoting and Merging; resulting into the Synthesis of self.
  • Inquiry – Ask the right questions, inviting wisdom to come from within; Every Shadow contains a Gift
  • Gentleness – Encourage unwinding and un-learning, versus fixing and doing; Allow, Accept, Embrace
  • Patience – Cultivate openness, honesty and curiosity. Wisdom doesn’t come from ‘knowing.’ It appears through embodiment.

The Adhigma Experience

This experience will resource you with the knowledge and skills to discover and have faith in your decision making process.

What is included:

  • Your personalized unique Human Design Body Graph
  • Complete owners manual on your design

  • Foundation chart showing your correct Environment & Motivation

  • Twelve 60 minute One-on-One Sessions